Policies & Procedures
Students should not receive deliveries at school. Deliveries will be held until dismissal for pick up by the parent. The school is not responsible for delivering items to the classrooms or for damage or loss of items delivered to the school. Balloons, glass vases, food, and flowers are not allowed on school buses; therefore, parent pick-up is required.
Student dismissal is a very busy time in the school's front office. In order to ensure a smooth transition during dismissal each day, we ask that you:
- Notify the office in writing if there is any change in how your child will be getting home from school.
- Notify the school when there is a need to check your child out early for a doctor’s appointment or emergency. All changes to travel method home must be made prior to 1:30 pm. We need ample time to notify teachers and staff.
- Always have your ID available and ready to check your child out of school.
- To ensure the safety of our students, the school's front office will be closed for student pick up between 2:45 pm–3:15 pm each day, except in the case of emergencies or doctor’s appointments.
Electronic Equipment/Toys/Misc. Containers
Homework Policy
- Grades K–2: Homework given in grades K–2 may not exceed 30 minutes with an additional 15–20 minutes for reading on any given day.
- Grades 3–5: Homework given in grades 3–6 may not exceed 45 minutes with an additional 30 minutes for reading on any given day.
Unfinished classwork to be completed at home is not considered part of official homework.
Make-Up Work
When a student misses school due to illness or family emergency, make-up work, if needed, should be requested through the guidance office. Parents must give 24 hours notice for picking up work. Students will have one school day for every day absent to complete and turn in work missed while absent. Students receive credit for work completed only when the absence is excused.
Report Cards
Report cards are distributed at the end of each nine week period. Parent conferences will be set up at the end of the first nine week period and at the third nine week progress report. Teachers will establish an appointment schedule for conferences, and report cards will be distributed at that time. Report cards can also be viewed on Skyward.
Midterm Reports
Parents will be notified in writing at any time during a grading period when it is apparent the student may fail or is doing unsatisfactory work. Midterm reports are sent home with the student during the middle of each grading period. Teachers are available for parent conferences before or after school. It is necessary to make an appointment for a conference in advance, in order to avoid scheduling conflicts. Parents may view their student's grades at any time on Skyward.