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Bullying Resources

Bullying is defined as any sort of harassment, intimidation, or otherwise deliberately hurtful behavior by a single person or group of people toward an individual that is carried out repeatedly over time. Bullying requires a perceived imbalance of power that the bully uses to make the target feel uncomfortable, humiliated, ridiculed, or scared. Bullying can be in the form of physical, verbal, or psychological abuse and has an adverse effect on the student’s education and ability to participate at school.

Report an Incident

Flagler Schools prohibits any form of bullying by or against anyone. Students or parents/guardians of students should immediately contact the school for more information about how to report a specific incident if you believe your child has been the target of a bully. Please visit the Safety page to access the Flagler Schools Report an Incident form.

Physical Aggression

Kicking, hitting, tripping, shoving, pinching, destroying personal property and any other physical means of hurting another person; demanding property, money, or a service in exchange for not hurting the targeted student; threatening to inflict physical harm on the target and/or physical intimidation or posturing. 

Social Aggression

Deliberate exclusion, rejection, and isolation with the intent to humiliate or hurt; verbal threats, name calling, spreading rumors, and public humiliation; manipulation of friends and relationships, circulating notes, graffiti or other writing among peers with the intent to humiliate or hurt.


Using social media (Facebook, Twitter, email, etc.), the Internet, or other technology to harass, intimidate, humiliate, or torment the targeted student; using technology to impersonate the targeted student.


The use of various forms of bullying as an initiation into a group. This may be used by fraternities, gangs, academic, and athletic teams to initiate new members.

Sexual Harassment/Inappropriate Touching

Unwanted behavior or comments that are of a sexual nature; touching, caressing, grabbing any body part without consent; name calling, making sexual propositions and inappropriate comments; unwelcome advances in the form of written notes, phone calls, or social media; sending inappropriate pictures via cell phone, email, or social media. 

Harassment Based on Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Disability or Sexual Orientation

Using the targeted student’s race, ethnicity, religious background, disability, or sexual orientation to fuel aggressive behavior or harassment; use of racial slurs, name calling and off-color jokes to harass, intimidate, humiliate, or torment the targeted student; bullying based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, or sexual orientation is a form of hate behavior and, in some cases, may be considered a hate crime and is against the law.

Parent/Guardian involvement

Encourage positive behavior and kindness and be a positive role model. Avoid making negative comments or put-downs about others. Avoid foul language and trash-talk when children are within earshot. Show them that friendships and relationships are based on trust and respect.

At Home
  • Talk to your children daily about their interactions with friends and peers. Encourage them to talk about their feelings.
  • Listen carefully for any signs that your child may be involved in a bullying incident, either as a bully, bystander or target. Ask for specifics and write them down.
  • Encourage your child to tell you or another adult about any bullying that they see at school.
  • Do not tolerate bullying, ridicule or harassment that may occur at home between siblings or friends.
  • Help children embrace diversity. Teach that every individual is different and deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. They may not like everyone but they should never hurt a person emotionally or physically.
  • Help your child to develop self-confidence and learn positive social skills.
  • Help your child choose friends that are kind and respectful.
  • Help your child choose TV programs, movies and other media that demonstrate positive behavior.
  • Teach children at a young age that bullying is disrespectful behavior and can not only be dangerous, but can also be against the law.
  • Teach children that bullying can carry on into adulthood and have consequences on personal and professional levels for both the bully and the target.
At School
  • Learn the school’s rules on bullying and attend any meetings or trainings where this may be discussed.
  • Keep an open line of communication with teachers, counselors, coaches or any other staff member who has regular contact with your child.
  • Accept help from the school in any situation where your child may be a bully, bystander or target
  • Report any incident of bullying to the school.
  • Join a school parent organization with efforts aimed at preventing and eliminating bullying.
Bulletin Board with message to %22be a buddy not a bully%22